But I did discover that LOTR2: TTT movie is really great for knitting Mocassin Socks. Over the entire three hours, give or take perhaps thirty minutes for pausing for heel turning, I knitted 90% of the second sock!
Socks on the needles (
- Crossover Rib (SKS), size 2s
- Austrian Socks (Interweave's FS), size 1s
- Eunny Jang's Entrelac Socks (Interweave Knits Spring '07), size 1s
- The Socks that Shall NOT BE NAMED (SKS adaption), size 0s
- Mock Wave Cable (?) (Interweave's FS), size 0s
- Peacock DK socks (Knitty article, Fall '06 (?)), size 00s
- Wearable Art Socks. (Homespun, Handknit) size 5s
The WAS is my first attempt at Fair Isle style knitting, and it isn't working out too well. The blue of the design is recedeing (ARGH!) and the FI part has very little elasticity.
PS: If you haven't, you should check out Fleegle's blog today.